Housing Subscription Total Saving Deposit

Housing Subscription Total Saving Deposit
Unlimited preferred benefit carrying over account
Type of product
Housing subscriprion deposit.
Subscriber qualifacation
Individual(with a real name)
* For subscription for an apartment you may open an account with only one financial institution.
Time limit for Application
Until you have been selected as a tenant of an national or private apartment.
Deposit Amount
You may freely deposit any amount between KRW20,000 to KRW500,000
Installment deposit which enables you to subscirbe for both national and private apartments after making deposits for a given period.
You may freely deposit any amount between KRW20,000 to KRW500,000
You may deposit more than KRW500,000 each deposit until total sum of depposit reach KRW15million
You may subscibe for borh national and private apartment.
Deposition Protection
The deposit in this account is not protected by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation(KDIC).
Subscriber qualification
Individual(Foreign Residents included)
* For subscription for an apartment you may open an account with only one financial institution
Deposit Amount
You may freely deposit any amount between KRW20,000 to KRW500,000
Time limit for Application
Until you have been selected as a tenant of an national or private apartment.
Applicable Interest Rate
Interest varies depending on the deposited period(from issuance to maturity)
Applicable Interest Rate
As of :
2017. 01. 23 (Before Tax, %)
Classification Contract Period Interest Rate
Interest Rate ~1month no interest * interest may vary upon government policy
1month ~Less than 1year 1.0% per annum
1year~ Less than 2years 1.5% per annum
Over 2 years 1.8% per annum
Tax favor
If conditions are met, it is possible to sign up for this product as tax-free composite savings product.
Interest Payment
Interest is paid on maturity

Foreign Exchange Rate

2025/02/11 23:47:42
통화 환율 정보
Currency Buy Sell
USD 1,480.97 1,430.03
JPY 972.40 938.96
EUR 1,533.30 1,474.06

Woori Call Center

  • 1599-2288 (Dedicated Foreigner Call Center) -> 1(English), 2(Chinese), 3(Vietnamese), 4(Uzbek), 5(Russia), 6(Tai), 7(Mongolian), 8(Japanese), 9(Cambodian, Indonesian, Tagalog)
  • 1588-5000, 1599-5000 (Domestic)
  • 82-2-2006-5000 (International)
  • Business hours : 09:00 ~ 18:00, Mon-Fri